POP / IMAP | pop3 |
Incoming server | pop.freeserve.co.uk |
Incoming port | 110 |
SSl (security) incoming | none |
Outgoing server | smtp.orange.net |
Outgoing port | 25 |
Requires sign-in | no |
Click on your provider name if it's listed, otherwise click on 'Other'
Your email account is now saved. In the next steps we check if all settings are correct.
Use SSL: on
Identity check: password
Server port: 110
Use SSL: on
Identity check: password
Server port: 25
Have a question regarding your iPhone email setup or think you can help other Freeserve users out? Please comment below!
Your message freeserver
6 years agofollowed all instructions and still cant set up email account on my iphone 4 for freeserve.
7 years agoHow can I backup my emails because Orange email is closing down in May. many thanks
7 years agoHiya, I have tried all of the above step by step but all that keeps coming up is that the incoming sever setting is incorrect. Please can you advise?
8 years agoI have an iPhone 6 I can now send emails but still cannot receive them. I have asked for help from Apple and they can't do anything. Please help. Trix
8 years agoHi, I have tried the above and now receive emails but it will not send it just puts it in the outbax
8 years agoFollowed the instructions to set up email on new iPhone se keep getting a message stating Cannot connect using SSL - is there something else I need to do or change
8 years agoI cant receive any emails which was working fine until last night , i can get them on my i pad but not my laptop , could you possibly help me ? thanks David
8 years agoI am trying to set up my email it says cannot connect using ssl do you want to try setting up the account without ssl
8 years agoI am trying to set up my email it says cannot connect using ssl do you want to try setting up the account without ssl
8 years ago
Question and Answer