NTL World email settings for iPhone

NTL World
On this page you find the NTL World mail settings for iPhone. Follow the step-by-step iPhone guide or use the settings overview with the imap and pop3 server email settings for NTL World.

Mail settings NTL World

POP / IMAP imap
Incoming server imap.ntlworld.com
Incoming port 993
SSl (security) incoming ssl
Outgoing server smtp.virginmedia.com
Outgoing port 465
Requires sign-in yes

iPhone guide to setup NTL World mail

1 Open 'Settings', click on 'Passwords & accounts' and 'Add account'.

Click on your provider name if it's listed, otherwise click on 'Other'

2 Make sure 'Email' is checked and click 'Save'.

Your email account is now saved. In the next steps we check if all settings are correct.

3 Click on your newly created email address and choose 'Advanced'. Make sure that the following data is correct under 'Incoming server':

Use SSL: on
Identity check: password
Server port: 993

4 Go back to the previous screen and under 'Outgoing server' click on smtp.virginmedia.com. Make sure the following information is correct:

Use SSL: on
Identity check: password
Server port: 465

Question and Answer

Have a question regarding your iPhone email setup or think you can help other NTL World users out? Please comment below!

  • Can not get my new iPhone to accept ntlworld address. Please help!

    4 years ago
  • I had an ntlworld email address but it is not allowing me access to it. How do I change the password as I’m no longer an account holder with virgin but emails were still working ?!?

    4 years ago
  • Hi

    4 years ago
  • I do not have a mail, contacts, calendar app in settings, any suggestions?

    4 years ago
  • My husband lost his phone when on holiday, has purchase and new phone Samsung Galaxy A10 and we cannot remember his password to set up his email on this phone, his email is:- michael.kennedy73@ntlworld.com. an you help please?

    4 years ago
  • Can’t send emails so deleted account on iPad and now can’t create new account

    4 years ago
  • I cannot send or reply to emails for two weeks now in iPad and iPhone but can send in win10computer. Message says wrong email/password used. But not changed anything.

    4 years ago
  • Trying to set up new iPhone and can’t get email set up. Won’t accept my name and/or password. Not sure what to do next. Can anyone help please?

    4 years ago
  • Cannot send emails since yesterday on iPad,iPhone and windows. No changes made

    4 years ago
  • Trying to set up ntl account on new I phone . No possibility to change incorrect/forgotten password. Please can you advise? Thank you

    4 years ago