POP / IMAP | imap |
Incoming server | imap.myway.com |
Incoming port | 993 |
SSl (security) incoming | ssl |
Outgoing server | smtp.myway.com |
Outgoing port | 465 |
Requires sign-in | yes |
Click on your provider name if it's listed, otherwise click on 'Other'
Your email account is now saved. In the next steps we check if all settings are correct.
Use SSL: on
Identity check: password
Server port: 993
Use SSL: on
Identity check: password
Server port: 465
Have a question regarding your iPhone email setup or think you can help other My Way Mail users out? Please comment below!
Is there a phone number I can call
5 years agoAccess to myway
5 years agoGet error code that says this account may not be able to send or receive emails
7 years agoI have an iPhone 6s and an iPad Pro air 2. I followed these steps and it did not work. It said the server failed. Please help!
8 years agoHow can I open my email.com
8 years agoFollowed all steps in full. Have Iphone 6S Plus and could not succeed. It states server is not responding.
8 years agoFollowed all steps in full. Have Iphone 6S Plus and could not succeed. It states server is not responding.
8 years agoCannot connect my new I Phone to my myway,com account
8 years agoHi I tried to configure My Way mails in my iPhone 6S Plus. But I could not succeed with the details provided above! Please suggest! Regards Lalitha
8 years agoI had e mail on my way.com compeuter I nead it in my mobil
8 years ago
Question and Answer