MSN email settings for Android

On this page you find the MSN mail settings for Android. Follow the step-by-step Android guide or use the settings overview with the imap and pop3 server email settings for MSN.

Mail settings MSN

POP / IMAP imap
Incoming server
Incoming port 993
SSl (security) incoming ssl
Outgoing server
Outgoing port 587
Requires sign-in yes

Android guide to setup MSN mail

1 Open your Email application from the menu, add a new account and choose 'Other'.

If you do not have an account yet, you can start setting up right away. Otherwise, open 'Settings' in the email app and choose 'Add account'.

2 In the next screen enter your account details and click on 'Login':

Email: your MSN email address
Password: your MSN email password

3 Choose imap and enter the following details under 'Server incoming mail':

imap server:
Security type: ssl
Port: 993

4 Your account is now ready to use.

Congratulations, your account is now set up. Open the email app on your smartphone to use your email.

Question and Answer

Have a question regarding your Android email setup or think you can help other MSN users out? Please comment below!

  • I have followed and double checked the instructions over ten times on my T-Mobile Android phone. It keeps telling me that it cannot connect to the server. Wi-fi is connected and data is on.

    3 years ago
  • I have followed the steps and still not able to connect my msn account to the Android phone. Receiving message - Couldn't open connection to server. What else can I try.

    3 years ago
  • MSN setting

    3 years ago
  • Lost access to app on home page please advice on retrieval.

    4 years ago
  • The email access is has disappeared of my home page, how do I get it back?

    4 years ago
  • My old phone was a Samsung Android. My new phone is a Samsung Android. On my new phone, it no longer saves all the emails I have read but have not deleted. I used to be able to see a whole long list of my old messages received. What am I doing wrong??? Thx.

    5 years ago
  • Hi new iPhone 7win

    5 years ago
  • لقد نسيت كلمة المرور خاصتي

    7 years ago
  • I was able to receive & send emails with attachments till a couple days from my phone. After changing my password, I am unable to setup at all. The msg pops up: Cannot connect to the server. My laptop is working fine. T-Mobile dowloaded, I am not happy. When you want your Folder, it opens upto non-system emails. But not particulsr Folder to move emails from INBOX. Can you help in setup so I can uninstall & communicate smoothly as I used to do? Thanks

    7 years ago
  • This does not work at all, the instructions do not represent the set up of my phone! What a waste of time it was ringing Vodafone to get this set up!

    7 years ago