POP / IMAP | imap |
Incoming server | imap.mail.com |
Incoming port | 993 |
SSl (security) incoming | ssl |
Outgoing server | smtp.mail.com |
Outgoing port | 587 |
Requires sign-in | yes |
Click on your provider name if it's listed, otherwise click on 'Other'
Your email account is now saved. In the next steps we check if all settings are correct.
Use SSL: on
Identity check: password
Server port: 993
Use SSL: on
Identity check: password
Server port: 587
Have a question regarding your iPhone email setup or think you can help other Mail.com users out? Please comment below!
How I am trying to add my mail.com to my iPhone list mail. Keeps saying that the imap doesn’t do passwords. Can you please help me set this up thank you. Because I am trying to set it up for my work and daughter’s school. Thanks again
2 years agoAmazing article! Helped me setup my mail.com adress to use the native mail app on ios 15.1, thank you!
3 years agoGot new iphone 11, emails won’t send from it. I can receive but they won’t send. Please help. Thanks
5 years agoMy husband has a work email account that has a .com at the end and I cannot figure out how he can get his emails from that account on his iPhone.
5 years agopassword reset
5 years agoPassword reset
5 years agoI can not send messages on anything (email, messages, messenger, none!) I cant find I map either. It's like it disappeared. How can I fix this? Thank you, Sondra
5 years agoI have a new email address which ends in @email.com ' How do i set up my iphone to receive these emails. I need the server information. Thank you so much Michele
5 years agoHow to change imap password
5 years agoCannot send any e-mails from any of my mail.com accounts through the iPhone Mail app fir any iPhone models ever.
5 years ago
Question and Answer