Tesco email settings for Android

On this page you find the Tesco mail settings for Android. Follow the step-by-step Android guide or use the settings overview with the imap and pop3 server email settings for Tesco.

Mail settings Tesco

POP / IMAP pop3
Incoming server mail.tesco.net
Incoming port 110
SSl (security) incoming none
Outgoing server mail.tesco.net
Outgoing port 25
Requires sign-in no

Android guide to setup Tesco mail

1 Open your Email application from the menu, add a new account and choose 'Other'.

If you do not have an account yet, you can start setting up right away. Otherwise, open 'Settings' in the email app and choose 'Add account'.

2 In the next screen enter your account details and click on 'Login':

Email: your Tesco email address
Password: your Tesco email password

3 Choose pop3 and enter the following details under 'Server incoming mail':

pop3 server: mail.tesco.net
Security type: none
Port: 110

4 Your account is now ready to use.

Congratulations, your account is now set up. Open the email app on your smartphone to use your email.

Question and Answer

Have a question regarding your Android email setup or think you can help other Tesco users out? Please comment below!

  • I work for Tesco but unable to set up email, I have email account but can not set it up on my phone

    4 years ago
  • Hello I have put in details above but get message couldn't open connection server. Any suggestions

    5 years ago
  • Have an eircom email can receive emails but not send eircom settings seem correct

    5 years ago
  • I work for tesco but it won't let me activate my password even though I keep trying it, I want to get a club card for my daughter, please help, thanks

    5 years ago
  • I am trying to set up an email account for a friend on his Tesco mobile. The email is not with Tesco - it is with tantraweb. When I put in all the above details, I get a message saying 'couldn't open connection to server'. Any additional help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    5 years ago
  • Trying to set up new email as I haven't used hudle for a long time it keeps saying couldn't open connection server please help not good with technology and struggling to get by this section help please

    7 years ago
  • My primary email address is with Eircom. bjp1@eircom.net Since switching to you from Vodafone I can't send or receive emails to that account. Please advise how to rectify. 087 2579926

    7 years ago
  • Upgraded my phone to a galaxyA5 vodaphone transferred over everything from my old phone but my emails does not reconsider the server told to contact Tesco for server code

    7 years ago
  • 'Authentication Error' even after following the steps. Email hasn't worked on an email app only desktop for years.

    8 years ago
  • i need to regain my password

    8 years ago