NTL World email settings for Android

NTL World
On this page you find the NTL World mail settings for Android. Follow the step-by-step Android guide or use the settings overview with the imap and pop3 server email settings for NTL World.

Mail settings NTL World

POP / IMAP imap
Incoming server imap.ntlworld.com
Incoming port 993
SSl (security) incoming ssl
Outgoing server smtp.virginmedia.com
Outgoing port 465
Requires sign-in yes

Android guide to setup NTL World mail

1 Open your Email application from the menu, add a new account and choose 'Other'.

If you do not have an account yet, you can start setting up right away. Otherwise, open 'Settings' in the email app and choose 'Add account'.

2 In the next screen enter your account details and click on 'Login':

Email: your NTL World email address
Password: your NTL World email password

3 Choose imap and enter the following details under 'Server incoming mail':

imap server: imap.ntlworld.com
Security type: ssl
Port: 993

4 Your account is now ready to use.

Congratulations, your account is now set up. Open the email app on your smartphone to use your email.

Question and Answer

Have a question regarding your Android email setup or think you can help other NTL World users out? Please comment below!

  • My android has stopped sending emails. Incoming is fine. I have tried synchronising outgoing settings and get the message "Can't connect to server ([525 # 5.7.13 Authentication Denied (VM305)])

    4 years ago
  • I have a new phone an I am trying to set up my email but I have forgot my password...

    4 years ago
  • I was unable to send emails whilst in Italy last week - message was "server not recognised". What is the reason for this please?

    4 years ago
  • I can not receive or send emails despite my settings being correct. I have also forgotten my password

    4 years ago
  • trying to access my emails on my Samsung galaxy j3(2016) using latest instructions but get authentification fails after setting incoming settings

    4 years ago
  • Forgotten my password - please advise

    4 years ago
  • Can't access ntlworld to access I tunes passwords

    5 years ago
  • I have just added my Ntlworld email account to my new SAMSUNG s7 it sends and receives so no problems with the settings. BUT I am only getting the emails that have been received and sent at the time of setting the account up, even if I sync my emails no more come through, unlike my S5 anyone know how this can be fixed please??

    5 years ago
  • I've just acquired an Alcatel 1 phone and cannot get my email working on it. Can you help

    5 years ago
  • I have tried to set up my ntlworld account on a recently acquired iPhone. However the password is not recognised. How can I change my password?

    5 years ago