email settings for iPhone
On this page you find the mail settings for iPhone. Follow the step-by-step iPhone guide or use the settings overview with the imap and pop3 server email settings for

Mail settings

POP / IMAP imap
Incoming server
Incoming port 993
SSl (security) incoming ssl
Outgoing server
Outgoing port 465
Requires sign-in yes

iPhone guide to setup mail

5 Choose 'Add mail account', and enter the following information:

Name: your own name
Email: your email address
Password: your email password
Description: a personal description

6 Choose imap and enter the following details under 'Incoming mail server':

Username: your email address
Password: your email password

7 Under 'Outgoing mail server' enter the details below and choose 'next':

Username: your email address
Password: your email password

8 Choose 'Done' at the top right and restart the iPhone to activate the settings.

Congratulations, your account is now set up. Open the mail app to use your account.

Question and Answer

Have a question regarding your iPhone email setup or think you can help other users out? Please comment below!

  • Am not receiving any emails today on my iPhone 11 Pro Max, nothing has changed

    2 years ago
  • My email acc on my iPhone 6 cannot send mail out - saying my password or user name is wrong. I can receive mail in ok. Any ideas?

    3 years ago
  • I need to get my emails on my phone and don't now the pass word I have been using outlook but had to reenstall it. can you help?

    4 years ago
  • I cant set up my iphone6S to receive emails from my virgin email account - please help

    4 years ago
  • Hi I can no longer recieve emails on my iPad android phone no worries but iPad keep getting cannot connect using ssl I have changed settings to virgin .net still no emails please help

    4 years ago
  • Again unable to send messages on my account. I can receive messages. Error comes up username or password incorrect ..........this is not the case my username and password are CORRECT ???? Please sort

    4 years ago
  • for some reason when u change ur password for your e-mail, and u try and save it on ur phone, it doesnt update, so what u need to do is delete the mail account from ur phone and then re-enter it, takes about a minute and worked for me.

    4 years ago
  • Suddenly can't send e mails on Iphone. Saying incorrect password but it's definitely correct

    5 years ago
  • Unable to receive e-mail for past 3 weeks

    5 years ago
  • Cannot receive e-mail on I phone for 3 weeks

    5 years ago